I wonder if where I live in southern Vermont is a NORC (a naturally occurring retirement community).  If so, it ain’t a bad one.  It doesn’t have that feeling that you might as well not exist anymore, that what you try to do doesn’t really matter.  Nice place in the world, this is.  It has it’s own harshness, from flooding rivers to mean-spirited people, that’s for sure. but that also reminds you, like to bugs do, that you’re here on earth.  I guess it really isn’t a NORC, ’cause only a minority are actually retired.

I have been busy writing.  I’ve thought a lot about why it matters that people think about what socialism really means.  We — meaning people who knows that something’s very wrong in our world and that wealth and power have a hell of a lot to do with what’s wrong — we need to be able to conceive of an alternative to the way things are.  That will be coming here soon if you’re interested.