The age of the universe

The age of the universe


The conventional way of describing the universe, saying “a little under 14 billions years old” has struck me for a while to be wrong:  that the Big Bang happened about then.  Now ,Oct. 12, 2012, we can see it right on Google.  It’ll pop up with 13.75 billion years quicker than you can change a channel with your remote:

But as best we understand it today going back to Einstein says that time is tied up with mass, that mass warps time.  How we understand gravity today is based on this, in fact.  So we sometimes may hear the expression “time loses meaning as we go back as far as the origin of our universe.”   As mass became denser and denser as we understand the universe was at its birth, then time also ceased to exist in the way we understand time today.


So the universe went from a point outside of time as we know it to time as we think we know it today,  how long was the time when time had no meaning?  A minute, a second, an eternity?  Just as that question has no meaning, neither does the 13.75 billions year figure.